Frequently Asked Questions

ETEA offers entry test of all types of institutions resides recruitment test for public and private sector institutions within country and across the world. ETEA conducts aptitude tests, entry level examinations and selection process based on merit for public and private sector institutions ensuring fairness and transparency through quality based assessment.

Yes, changes can be made once up-till closing date. The procedure is available on website

Information about ETEA tests can be acquired from any of the following sources:

  • Advertisements through Print Media
  • Advertisements through Electronic Media and
  • ETEA website

You can download Application Forms, free of charge, from ETEA website before the last date for registration for the relevant admission/recruitment.

Please fill your downloaded application form according to the instructions provided. Submit it to ETEA given address after online depositing the Test Fee in any branch of UBL, ABL, MCB or HBL.

After submitting the Application Form you will receive your Roll Number Slip (Call Letter) containing Roll No, Test Venue and other details on your mailing address. This slip confirms your registration. You can also visit ETEA website for confirmation of the same. You must bring the slip with you to the test center on the day of your test otherwise you shall not be allowed to sit in the Examination Hall. In case of any query regarding the registration process you can contact ETEA office.

Application fee is Rs.500/- for BS-16 and 17, Rs.700/- for BS-18,Rs.1200/- for BS-19 and Rs.1500/- for BS-20 and above posts.

The registration of candidates on the day of ETEA Examination cannot be entertained. The candidate should get registered before the deadline, announced by ETEA for the close of registration process.

If you have any confusion about the registration process you can clarify by calling the ETEA Office or Contact (call,email) ETEA Office.

You have to present your original Roll No. Slip and original CNIC / Valid Passport. The staff at the Test Center identifies you with the photograph printed on the slip and from your original CNIC / Valid Passport. (Less than 18 years of age candidates must bring Original B. Form and SSC Certificate with photograph at the test center). Along With original Roll No. Slip, any one of following document is required.

  • Original CNIC
  • Original Passport
  • Original B.Form (In case if candidate is less than 18 years of age)
  • Original NADRA token slip with any Valid Government document having photograph.

The candidate should take sharpened pencils, pen with eraser and clip-board. Besides this the candidate is also asked to show his/her Roll No. Slip and original CNIC / Valid Passport. (Less than 18 years of age candidates must bring Original B. Form and SSC Certificate with photograph at the test center).

Cheating material Electronic Devices like Mobile Phones, Bluetooth devices, Smart watch or anything which is prohibited by ETEA is strictly not allowed to be taken inside the test center. If you are found with any of these items with you during the test you are not allowed to take the examination and be considered disqualified.

Enter the examination hall and look for the seat that has your roll number pasted on it. The seats are arranged in a sequential order of roll numbers. If you do not find your seat, ask any of the invigilators at the center.

Sit on your seat and wait for the time of the test. Make sure that you do not have any objectionable material. The invigilators will give you the question book and answer sheets. Fill in the essential information in the blank columns of answer sheet. While attempting to answer questions read the choices in each question and mark the corresponding space on the answer sheet. Do keep the time aspect in mind. You would not be given extra time.

  • Write Your Name, Father’s Name, Roll Number etc (if required) on the answer sheet.
  • Read the directions carefully before you begin your test.
  • Each question has maximum five choices. You are required to choose the correct choice for every question and fill the corresponding oval with a lead pencil on the answer sheet.
  • The invigilator announces the procedure of marking the answer sheets. Listen carefully to the instructions. When you mark the answer sheets, make sure that the space is completely filled in.
  • Use a lead pencil or Pens for marking the Answer Sheets.
  • Do not mark more than one answer. If a question is found with no answer or it has more than one marked choice, it is not considered for marking.